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 Much of the plot of Far from the Madding Crowd depends on unrequited love ― love by one person for another that is not mutual in that the other person does not feel love in return. The novel is driven, from the first few chapters, by Gabriel Oak"s love for Bathsheba. Once he has lost his farm, he is free to wander anywhere in search of work, but he heads to Weatherbury because it is in the direction that Bathsheba has gone. This move leads to Oak"s employment at Bathsheba"s farm, where he patiently consoles her in her troubles and supports her in tending the farm, with no sign he will ever have his love returned.

     This novel focuses on the way that catastrophe can occur at any time, threatening to change lives. The most obvious example occurs when Oak"s flock of sheep is destroyed by an unlikely confluence of circumstances, including an inexperienced sheep dog, a rotted rail, and a chalk pit that happens to have been dug adjacent to his land. In one night, Oak"s future as an independent farmer is destroyed, and he ends up begging just to secure the diminished position of a shepherd.      This novel offers modern readers a clear picture of how important social position was in England in the nineteenth century and of the opportunities that existed to change class, in either direction. In the beginning, Oak and Bathsheba are social equals: he is an independent farmer who rents his land, and she lives on her aunt"s farm next door to his, which is presumably similar in value. The only thing that keeps her from accepting his proposal of marriage is the fact that she just does not want to be married yet. After Oak loses his farm and Bathsheba inherits her uncle"s farm, there is little question of whether they can marry ― their social positions are too different. She is more socially compatible with Boldwood, who owns the farm next to hers and is in a similar social position.
给男朋友的七夕情人节微信祝福语1 今天七夕,祝有缘的人浪漫邂逅,有意的人互通灵犀,有情的人成就佳缘,有婚的人美满继续。无论你是哪种人,今天都有爱情契机。2 今天七夕,送你一支七色花,红色是吉祥,蓝祝福语
给女朋友的七夕情人节微信祝福语1 我们的第一个七夕情人之夜,你却不在我的身边,宝贝,让我们搭着今晚的鹊桥相拥在灿烂的星空下吧。我没有更多的言语!只有一句话要告诉你:和你在一起,你是一2 欢迎您订阅充值祝福语
1 对你的思念太重,压断了电话线,烧坏了手机卡,掏尽了钱包袋,吃光了安眠药,唉!可我还是想见你。2 七夕的钟声敲响的那一时刻,我第一个想到的就是你,因为我想从此时刻开始与你牵手走过一生一世。3祝福语
七夕情人节玫瑰花花语玫瑰花语:爱情、爱与美、容光焕发,勇敢玫瑰(红):热情、热爱着您、我爱你、热恋, 希望与你泛起激情的爱玫瑰(蓝): 奇迹与不可能实现的事。玫瑰(粉红):感动、爱的宣言、铭记于心祝福语
1 一杯茶驱散漫漫长夜孤单,一盏灯点亮一个世界灿烂,一声问候传递,深深情谊温暖衷心,祝你七夕情人节快乐!2 听说七夕这天恋人相互说句我爱你,就能在来年七夕不会分开,如果每年都说就永远不会分开。祝福语
中国七夕情人节微信祝福语20171 天上人间,岁岁年年,今宵团圆,唯愿永远对你的那种特别的感情,只想告诉你,今生不变!2 七夕,七夕,我的佳期;织女,织女,我的爱妻;天上地下,千年聚齐;呜呼哀哉,我爱祝福语
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