

情感诗词 |





  After watching the film Becoming Jane played by Anne Hathaway and reading the book Sense and Sensibility , I feel complicated because it seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility. The book could be regarded as her real story or someone else’s. Who knows? Love and sense are enemies at any age.

     There was an important person in her career, the authoress Mrs Radeliffe whose novels were filled with romance, danger and terror, anything her life was not.      At that time, a woman’s dream of being an authoress was not so easy to come true. As if the writing a woman did not display the greatest powers of mind, knowledge of human nature, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour. And people thought having a wife with a literary reputation was nothing short of scandalous. But with an independent thought, she made it!      In her love world, there were two men. One was Tom Lefroy, a handsome, social guy but totally depending on his uncle. Another was Wisley, a booby having a respectable property of 2000a year, in addition to even greater expectations as Lady Gresham’s heir. So Tom standed for love or sensibility and Wisley standed for money or sense.      Jane didn’t believe the saying “Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.” In other words, she gave up a splendid home, a comfortable life and chose Tom. But when she found their love will destroy Tom’s family, her sense told her to make the great decision to leave him to avoid a long slow degradation of guilt and regret and blame.      What a pity she can’t marry with the one who she doesn’t love even a loved one!      In her short life, Jane Austen wrote six of the greatest novels in the English Language.      Tom Lefroy had a successful career as a lawyer and named his eldest daughter Jane.      Jane never married in her life.
1 帆被太阳照得鲜红,它是多美呀!虽然远离父母兄妹朋友,但我们的祝福将永远陪伴着你。2、愿我的思念,如天上的白云,追随你到那天涯和海角,永远伫立于你面前。3、大海袒露着胸怀,我毫不隐藏情感祝福语
下面是小编为大家收集整理的关于培养的近义词,欢迎大家阅读参考!【解释】培养( 注释:①用适宜的条件促进生物体生长、发育和繁殖:培养花木|培养细菌。 ②训练;造就:培养人才|培养接班人。)【近义词】培育( 注释:1 培养幼小生物,使其发育成长。 2 指使某种情感得到发展。 3 培养教育。)培植( 注释[db:cate]
摘要: 爱上周萍的繁漪,爱上四凤的周冲,爱上周萍的四凤和爱上四凤的周萍,还有恨上周朴园的侍萍、繁漪和鲁大海,交织成一张巨大的情感之网。这张网,在一个雷雨交加的夏日里被无情地撕破。一个资产阶级家庭的读后感
一、【近义词】委派,依赖,寄予,委托,拜托,依附,托付,依靠二、【基本解释】[拼音][jì tuō][释义]1 委托别人照料寄托侍者。--唐 李朝威《柳毅传》寄托孩子给别人看带2 寄理想、情感于某人或某事物上3 托身,安身 无可寄托。--《荀子 劝学》三、【英文翻译】entrus[db:cate]
我为你心跳 我为你祈祷  因为爱让我们能遇到  因为你开始燃烧 痛才慢慢治疗  我要和你拥抱  甜蜜的手一起去奔跑  你存在的这一秒 会不会是我依靠  这是我出道十年的纪念作品  我想要献给所有支持我陪伴着我  和我一起玩转音乐的朋友们  给我的微笑  全都记在脑海了  编织快乐的符号  节奏在[db:cate]
导语:褒义词是情感词语的一种,俗名“好字眼儿”,又称“褒词”。以下是小编整理的“接踵而来”相关知识,供各位参阅。  接踵而来是褒义词吗?  答:  “接踵而来”不是褒义词,也非贬义词,是一个中性词,意思是指人们前脚跟着后脚,接连不断地来。形容来者很多,络绎不绝。  附:接踵而来相关句子  1、一[db:cate]
1、自由,不是你想干什么就能干什么,而是,当你不想干什么的时候,能不干什么。  2、在男女关系当中,你无论给她多少其他的东西,都不能完全替代你和她相处的时间。  3、你想得到的那个东西都会付出代价,有些代价我们付得起,有些代价重到我们付不起,你一定有一天会发现,你为你现在做的事情付出了你难以支付[db:cate]


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