
How to be a good student?英文演讲稿

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How to be a good student?英文演讲稿

  原创: 香格里拉 束煜

  Hello , ladies and gentlemen

  I"m contestant No.5. I have a question for you: What do you think of a good student? (He or she has) a good habit? High mark? good quality or others?

  When I was a primary school student, I was glad that I was a good student in the eyes of my teacher, Miss Lu. Although I did not get high marks every time, Miss Lu did not evaluate me only through marks. And so I did really appreciate her.

  Perhaps many people think that a good student can always get high marks in the examinations. In school, the student who gets high marks or full marks is considered to be the model student. After school, when the students come back home, maybe their parents would force them to do more homework to get higher marks. It has no time for these students to do something that is good for their health both in body and mind.

  However, in my opinion, I think that to be a good student is not only about getting high marks in the examinations, but also about knowing how to live and get along with others, which is more important than reading and writing. However, the pity is that most of the students spend so much time on their homework. Actually, they should be encouraged to go outside to do sports, listen to music and draw some pictures. As a teacher, we should teach them all kinds of knowledge.

  For example, when I taught the lesson about the seasons. I encouraged students to talk about their favorite seasons, go outside to find the beauty of different seasons, take pictures and draw them. They were so happy to do these homework. As a result, they all did a good job.

  In a word, if you want to be a good student. I think you should develop yourselves in every way.

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How to be a good student?英文演讲稿原创: 香格里拉 束煜Hello , ladies and gentlemenIm contestant No 5 I have a q演讲稿
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